“Lifeguard! Help! Somebody, hellllp!” I stirred trying to recognize this faint voice. “Help! Help me!” Sitting straight up, I awoke to a dream that would haunt me for days. you might also like . . .day 20: she’s waiting on you. day 19: have you seen the wrestle before the save. for days when you’re drowning.
your influence is wide.
Do you ever think of the influence you have? Whether you recognize it or not, you are influencing those around you every moment of each day. <—-tweet that here! Your influence can be positive or negative depending on how you live out that moment. There were years in my life where I dreamed of leaving an influence, but yet I wasn’t brave enough… Read More
rest-stops for your saturday.
Summer is coming to an end. Oh how this makes me sad! Very sad. Yes, I’m one of those that thrives off the sun and warm temperatures. It’s like heaven to me. While I take some time to enjoy the last days of summer with my husband, I leave you with some music. “Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes… Read More
i’m learning what to do when reception is intermittent.
I wake up as usual. Grab a hot cup of coffee and head to my favorite spot to savor some sweet morning time with God and his refreshing word. But recently it’s been different. It’s as if the reception between His words and my soul have been broken. No static. No garbled words. God, we have a problem. Remember the… Read More
how to get wrecked today.
Is there a stirring going on in your heart? Are you having a hard time explaining what is changing? That was me a few years ago. I couldn’t figure it out, but I knew that something was changing within me. When clarity began to shine forth through the fogginess of my mind, I got scared. The knocking on my heart… Read More
rest-stops for your saturday.
If you are anything like me, you can get so wrapped up in serving others that you forget to stop and rest. Your soul needs to be refreshed. We over look the value of rest because we are a ‘doing’ people. However when we run and run and run, burnout is around the corner. Burnout is not good for us,… Read More