Lifeguarding is lifeguarding. If you are in shape and know the procedures and maneuvers, you should be able to guard anywhere to protect others. But let’s take a look at the story of two lifeguards. Guard One. One lifeguard gets up early to head to work. She arrives. As the pool opens she finds herself up in the guard stand…. Read More
when the early morning awakens you.
My younger days of being a lifeguard were pretty grueling and long. There were shifts I’d work 10 hours out in the basking sun. Exhausted and tired. To tired for company I’d often stumble home, grab a quick something to eat and fall into bed. No need for pajamas. No need. The alarm would sound in the far recesses of my mind. I think this… Read More
day 6: when testing leads to fear of drowning
The day came. Lifeguard certification day. I was nervous as to what this whole procedure would be. I had passed the written portion with flying water-colors, but now the fear of the unknown was gripping my heart. I was trained, but was I prepared? Was I really ready? The instructor had asked us to show up wearing jeans, long-sleeve button… Read More
day 4: let’s go skinny dipping.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? OK, I really don’t need an answer there. But just imagine if you had (wink, wink) how freeing an unencumbered you must have felt. There was nothing holding you down. Nothing weighing you down. You were free. When rescuing others leave every non-essential behind. Why do you think lifeguards sit on the stand in… Read More
day 3: you will need to train to rescue.
After learning that my dream job of lifeguarding was not all sexy-fun, I became aware that there was detailed training needed. Sitting in that high-towered lifeguard stand didn’t require deep physical training, but everything else that went along with lifeguarding did. Training is physical and mental. I began to wonder if this dream of rescuing people would ever come to… Read More
day 2: when rescuing looks like cool fun.
At the time I was in fifth grade our house was two stories and my large double-sized bedroom window looked out towards the neighborhood pool. If I wasn’t at the pool, I was looking longingly out those windows watching the lifeguards on duty. I was mesmerized. They were so cool and looked like they were having so much fun. Oh… Read More