I have to say a huge “Thank you” to our troops and their families currently serving! My prayers and heart go out to you. You are the backbone of this country. God bless you all and the USA!
Source: Uploaded by user via SkyCable on Pinterest
I haven’t been addicted to a weekly show since “Dallas”. That pretty much dates me, I’m sure. But have you seen the show “Army Wives” that comes on Lifetime? I love it. It takes me back to the days of being an Army wife and the protocol that went along with the territory. So the show is a little far-fetched, but it is still good!
Looking back on my years as an Army Officer’s Wife, I don’t know whether to cringe or laugh hysterically. I find myself doing a little of both, as well as thanking God that my hubby didn’t walk out on me in his frustration.
Just to give you an idea of what God was working with when He began to make me over — here are a few snapshots. It’s not pretty.
These scenarios scream bad attitude!
There is something encouraging about looking back at years gone by.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
Happy July 4th. I love this country!
So will you please love those military families around you and give extra grace to that Army wife who doesn’t have a clue!
Oh friend I too DVR this show. Your post though had me cracking up! I’m glad you made it through all of those events to share with us now! I have 2 friends whose Army hubbys will be home “soon” from Afghanistan! I am so excited for them! Luv ya!
Love it when our troops come home! Love the hearts of those men and their families. If you can be at the homecoming, be there!! Love ya back.
Sorry for the hard to read post. I tried to fix the spacing forever and finally just gave us.
Alene I adore you :)
OMGracious! It’s a good thing I was never a military wife and we never lived on base together. We would have been trouble! We did almost move to Germany for a year at one point… we got divorced instead! :-)
I watch Army Wives without fail the first few seasons, but I stopped at some point. I keep meaning to catch up on NetFlix.
I’m so far behind on my reading, but had to chime in on this post — LOVE ARMY WIVES! Sarah got me hooked, seeing as how she’s “dating with intention” her 2nd Lt and may one day be an Army wife herself. When she’s at school, we skype and watch it. It’s one of our mother-daughter guilty pleasures, along with The Bachelor. (don’t judge)