When will I ever get over myself? It was one of those mornings when I really didn’t want to hop out of bed and get to church. I arrived a little late and obviously my heart was not right. For crying out loud, I was going to worship the Lord, Savior, King of Kings with my fellow brothers and sisters and I had an attitude.
Please somebody tell me they can relate?

As I sat in that cold sanctuary, with my arms crossed, my mind began wandering. The message was on baptism and my hard heart was saying I know that, I know that. Then somewhere in the midst of the message God clobbered my heart.
The selfish scales began to fall from my eyes and I knew I didn’t have a clue. I needed to repent and be baptized (cleansed again through HIS forgiveness) for my selfishness and arrogance. As I begged God for forgiveness, I began praying for others who might need to hear the words of that message.
God had all in attendence rejoicing in a huge way.
Long story, short. One man had left the service early and God nudged him to turn around and come back. He was baptized and we all rejoiced. Then at the second service of the morning one woman came to be baptized. She was thinking during the praise and worship that she needed to be baptized. Of course, the message was confirmation! She was baptized and we all rejoiced. Before we could shout Hallelujah, another lady came and was baptized. We all rejoiced! Then as we were leaving a dear friend came to be re-baptized to make her eternity for sure.
Again and again we rejoiced! And to think, I could have missed all that goodness.
“Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep!’ Count on it – there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.” Luke 15:4-7
Lord, forgive me for standing with the ninety-nine that morning and having my eyes on myself. Oh my, how this one and her heart needs rescued!
Thank you for the celebration of your good love, mercy, and forgiveness through these precious souls and their acts of obedience to You. I am celebrating with the angels in heaven.
We all rejoiced!
I have done that too Alene. I have woke up sometimes at almost not gone only to be so thankful that God nudged me to go and met me there with open arms. God bless you!
So many Sunday’s lately it has been so easy to stay in bed. Actually, for about 3 months I have missed Wednesday nights…when I was always so faithful…then the Sunday’s and Sunday nights. It was so much easier to stay home than to face the looks and questions that people would ask and the embarrasssment that I was feeling over decisons that our daughter was making…decisons that was crushing our family. I felt like everyone was judging us and talking about us. ALot of our sisters and brothers in christ was and are praying for our family. This is a trap and mind game that Satan is using to destroy our family. I must admit it worked for a short time…God woke us up and gave us a big nudge to get back to the body. I am so thankful for the nudge …I don’t know how people survive and go through life struggles without God in their lives.
Joey and I needed the rescue and and reminder and God sent just what we needed to get us back.
Boy, do I know what you mean!
This last Sunday it wasn’t that I didn’t want to go to church.
Just a little disagreement and soon after no one was speaking.We got to chuch and put on our church smiles on:)
We are fine today but yesterday I don’t want to repeat.
Yes, I think all of us have those kind of moments. I always say, “Lord, what’s wrong with me?” He helps us adjust our focus and makes us lean more into Him.