Do you want to be a world changer, but feel stuck? Would you like to lose weight, but seem overwhelmed by the idea? Maybe you’re thinking about starting a business, but you’re at a stand still?
You know you’re called to make a difference. You’re ready to conquer that assignment, but your legs seem so heavy and afraid of change. Your mind feels paralyzed and your moments feel frozen in time.
There are many reasons we can feel stuck:
— fear
— lack of direction
— loss of enthusiasm
— change of season
What might have you feeling frozen in time?
Acknowledging that you are feeling paralyzed in life is the biggest step to moving on. Once you acknowledge that you’re ready to press on, there are 4 steps you can take to help ensure that you keep moving.
4 things you can do to unthaw and take that next step:
1. realize your journey is not about you
It is easy for a world-changer to feel paralyzed when they are discouraged. The first thing you do is look inwardly to find the fix. But what really encourages your soul is keeping your eyes open to how you can help and serve others. Realize how losing weight or starting a new business will benefit others. Once you realize how your journey impacts others, you will soon be back on your way again.
2. ask a few friends to hold you accountable
Knowing that you will have people checking on you is critical. If you are anything like me, you will make sure you are making some kind of progress if you know others will be asking. More information on accountability partners and mentors here. Shoot me an email if you need more information.
3. read an encouraging book
There are so many books you can read that will encourage your soul. Chances are, if you’re a reader, you have one close at hand that you can pick up now that helps you feel empowered. If you don’t have a book, it’s time to get one.
A great book for encouragement if you feel you are stuck or in-between seasons in life is The In-Between: Embracing the tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing by Jeff Goins. Most of our life we spend in-between where we are and where we want to be. This book offers beautiful insights for not wasting those messy in between times.
4. fake it ’til you make it
I know! It’s such a phony saying, but it is actually true. An encouraging attitude is caught. When you begin acting like you are excited and motivated again, your mind will soon begin to think that way. Trust me — it works! So when you wake-up put on your happy smile and think of where you are headed.
Encouraging yourself first and then others is the key to being a world changer! Go for it. The world is waiting on you.
Question you can answer in the comments: Do you feel stuck? What’s the first step you can take to get moving?
Hi Alene
Indeed a great post.
I agree with all these 4 steps to take when we stuck an d need to get moving. Along with these, i think lack of dedication can also be a reason when we stuck in something.
Without dedication, We can’t focus on our work and we become blank completely.
Either way, Thanks you for sharing it with us.
Chetan Gupta from