I love how the book of Luke is always contrasting the Pharisee’s with the sinner. But the best part of all is that Jesus chooses the side of the sinners. The sinners always win! That brings such comfort to me.
If you’re struggling with the sin of your past or even the struggles of your today, you’ll find comfort in this week’s lesson. As you listen in, you’ll see how even as a sinful woman you can live boldly and courageously.
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4 Things a Sinful Woman Must Do
1. She loves Jesus.
Despite her past, she knows the love of Jesus.
Romans 8:1 — There is no condemnation in Jesus Christ.
2. She forgives herself.
The cross forgives – Jesus forgives – so forgive yourself or his death was for nothing.
Let Jesus lift your head high – Psalm 3:3
3. She doesn’t listen to others.
Don’t listen to the culture nor friends around you.
Especially don’t listen to the voices of the past rolling through your mind.
4. She exhibits actions of a changed life.
It’s not just about reading your Bible daily, nor just telling others you’ve changed.
It’s about you walking as a changed person. A changed life lives as a changed life. <—come on, tweet that here!
I’d love to hear from you today. Is walking with your head held high knowing you are forgiven a hard thing?
Sometimes the hardest thing is to forgive ourselves…Great message today.