What are your heart’s cravings?
power, love, drugs, purpose, food, alcohol, perfection, control
You and I have our daily battles with our heart’s cravings. Scripture tells us that our heart is deceitful! That’s grueling to think that even our own heart can deceive us in to wrong cravings and thinking.
Listen in today as we talk about the cravings of the heart. I’d love your comments at the end of the episode.
Cravings of the Heart – 3 Evils to Watch
1. Watch What You Crave
back to the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve – Genesis 2-3
Jeremiah 17:9 – the human heart is deceitful
“Eve had her eyes on being perfect, so much so, that she missed she was living in a perfect world.” <—–tweet that HERE!
2. Watch Who You Believe
for more information on changing your thoughts listen to Podcast Episode 003 HERE
3. Watch Your Heart
Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart, above all else.
Guard definition – a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury, etc.
King David and Bathsheba – 2 Samuel 11
Psalm 51:10 – Create in me a pure heart.
What cravings to do have? Is there one you can redirect back to God today?
Dearest Alene, I am loving these podcasts! Hearing your voice and allowing it to speak to my heart while washing dishes makes it an enjoyable task…
Striving not to buy the lies like Eve. I’ve been digging to see which ones I’ve bought recently.
thank you for the gift of Psalm 51. Making that my heart’s prayer today. Thank you!
Nikki – you bless me. So glad to know you are listening in. Glad you are killing off lies – they are so detrimental to us all. I’m warding them off myself here deep down in south Texas. The lies seem to roam everywhere. Urgh!!! Glad we know the Truth!!