Have you ever been interrupted? A call, friend, emergency, or deadline strikes out of nowhere and BAM you’re irritated and frustrated. In this weeks podcast we will take a look at seeing those interruptions as blessings.
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Interruptions Can Be Blessings
Looking through scriptures you see often Jesus being interrupted. I have to admit, He handled those interruptions much better than I do. This rigid, fast-paced world keeps us focused on those daily to-do’s and well — we just don’t have time to be interrupted.
But we can begin to see our interruptions as blessings if we’ll stop and notice the situation differently. Reading the passage of scripture beginning with Luke 8:40, we see Jesus was interrupted not only once, but twice.
1. When we see interruptions as God appointments.
-interruptions are beyond irritants, they are needs
-interruptions are not a call for drama, but rather for understanding
2. When we’re ready to step out of our routines.
– 1 Samuel 3 – How many times do you brush off others because you are caught up in your own agenda?
– Learn to be in the moment and stop for others.
Learn to live like Jesus and recognize those interruptions are precious moments to bless others.
Take moment to recognize an interruption as a God appointment.
What is the hardest thing for you as you’re confronted with daily interruptions?
This was beautiful, Alene. Life is so hurried. How precious that you took the time to help the man in need. Sounds like the most important thing you did that day. Our lists do feel like they should be our priority. Isn’t it great that God gave you the opportunity to bless this man? Thank you for taking the time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I pray that God will give me opportunities to minister to others. I want to share Him with this dying world. Thank you for sharing with us.
It surely is amazing how hurried we’ve let our lives become. I’m thankful I stopped, however I don’t always get that right. I’m so guilty of letting my to-do’s lists drive my actions. Praying we all can see with Jesus eyes and help those around us – stopping if needed. Thanks for your encouragement – can’t wait to hear your story of how you stopped for someone.