Last month was quiet a riot!
It was loud. It was busy. It was chaotic. By the way, how was your month?
Writing for 31 days straight and publishing Dear Anonymous letters wore at my soul. My heart felt and heard the silent hurts and abuses the whole month. My soul had grown weary and needed rest.
I had told myself months ago, if I could run hard these few months then I could rest.
And so I ran —
from teaching online, to teaching at church, to finishing photography projects, blogging for 31 days, and finishing up Graffiti a book I had been working on for awhile. (you can get the first chapter for free here) And so I ran. I ran hard.
As the end of the month drew close, the ancier I got for quiet. My soul needed to breath. My mind needed to rest. It’s as if my soul had collapsed.
God created rest
Boarding a cruise ship, my hubby and I sat sail for a week. After a few days, I finally began to feel the wind beneath my wings, the spirit of my soul refreshed, and the burdens on my heart lifted.
I’m thankful God made rest for us. He knows we need it. He knows that in the quiet we are replenished.
How about you?
Have you been running hard? Do you need a rest? Do you need some quiet?
You don’t have to be on the back of a cruise ship to find it. It’s right here, if you will but slip away and rest!
How can you slip away from the riotous chaos and find quiet today?
I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo and the community today as we write about quiet.
Isn’t a vacation just what you need to regain some much needed quiet and rest? We’re heading on ours next week. I can’t wait to just relax and enjoy a week with my family.
Enjoy your rest and refreshment! It was such a blessing to me.
Hi Alene,
Congrats on your book, and I’m so glad God provided a cruise and rest for you when you needed it…blessings :)
Oh thank you!!! It’s good to connect again. Sure loved the Caribbean though. :)
Sometimes I just need to unplug! I love some quiet time with my herb tea and a good book. It is in those moments that I can feel refreshed.
Oh WOW — yes a book and a coffee (for me)!!! Perfect refreshment. Thank you for your encouragement always!
I can find rest anywhere if I have a book in hand…and that’s just what I intend to do this weekend, friend : )
So blessed by you and all the hard work you’ve been doing to stir our hearts. Thank you!
Hugs to you!
Some times we have to run away to find it don’t we? Other times, we just have to stop and let it find us!
sounds like an amazing trip!
Stacey (From FMF)
Love your comment — sometimes we have to run away to find it and other times we just have to stop and let it find us!!! Rings in my soul. Blessings this Thanksgiving week.
I read how exhausted last month was. I didn’t post my story because of that. Mine started at 5yrs old. Two marriages. The second still married yet separated since 2002. Why he so t divorce me I can’t figure it out. I am disabled. But on my feet now by the Grace of God.
The reason I’m posting is to say THSNK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM of MY HEART. I thought that I was not right with God, because I have to hide under my covers and pray for Jesus just to hold my tight. Then I’m up again for another run…. So very unloved and lonely. I married at 16 and have worked all my life…. Now I live alone until my kids Need something….
My love and success cones from my Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you again. Phil 4:13.
What a great verse to put with your life’s story! You can do all things through HIM because you have His strength. Thanks for sharing your heart. Know you are loved — a man died for you. He gave His life for you. He treasures you and thinks you are a princess! Blessings this Thanksgiving week!