Stepping in to the inner city to serve was scary. Writing a book about loving those who were different, Graffiti, along side a homeless man was out of my comfort zone. Beginning a homeless ministry that feeds 100’s every month stretched me beyond my comforts. But somewhere along that journey my uncomfortable became comfortable.
The uncomfortable had become my new way of life. I had settled in and comfort was beginning to register on the radar again. That was until God prompted and nudged me to take a trip to Guatemala.
There my comfortable was stripped away again!
But there was something beautiful that I noticed about this stripping away of the comfortable this time. My eyes and ears were finally opened once again to see and experience Jesus like never before.
I saw Him in the poverty and broken. I saw Him everywhere.
I not only saw, I heard.
Visiting the Potter’s House at Guatemala City Dump I felt the nudge and listened to the sweet whisper, “Bring others back here. Serve these children and this community.” I knew I heard it, but I didn’t want to believe it.
I was broken. I was stretched beyond measure. The faces followed me home. The whispers wouldn’t leave my soul alone. Now, what was I to do?
An invitation just for you.
Maybe you’ve been wanting to step out to another side of the street or even another country and serve, but you were hesitant. Maybe you already feel God impressing Guatemala on your heart. Maybe you’ve never even thought about serving in another country, but this invitation is stirring in your soul. But just maybe, you are hearing the sweet whisper now.
Wrecked, Guatemala from Adventures In Missions on Vimeo.
Since I returned from the Guatemala Wrecked Vision trip in February (click here or video above to see our trip recap), I’ve been speaking with Adventures in Missions about taking back a group of people to serve in the Guatemala City Dump area. I am beyond excited to tell you that we’ve finally got it planned out — a Guatemala mission trip just for you!
In October I’ll be gathering a group of 20 — I hope you are one of them — to serve the broken and impoverished in Guatemala City.
Here are the specifics:
- When: October 9-13, 2013
- Cost: $545 (airfare is not included)
- Includes: Lodging, food, and in-country transportation; all the details and logistics will be taken care of once you arrive
- Lodging: Normal room with shared bathroom and multiple beds
I totally get that not everyone can hop on a plane to a foreign country and stay a week. There are plenty of other ways you can be involved: pray, sponsor a child, provide resources for the Potter’s House.
More than a trip this is about serving and helping those in need.
Sign up now as the spots are limited.
There are only 20 spots for this specific trip. SIGN UP HERE. (see note below) Don’t delay. Don’t spend time arguing with why you should or should not go, like I do many times. If you feel the nudge, just step out in faith and obey the whisper.
I’m excited to see what God does with this special group of 20. It’s no accident that God whispered, “bring others back!” He wants YOU to be a part. My prayer is this trip only leads to more trips back to serve the people of Guatemala.
Who’s coming? What do you think about being out of your comfort zone for 5 days?
You can read more about stepping out of your comfort zone at Graffiti: scribbles from different sides of the street by clicking here.
I can’t wait to see you in Guatemala!
This is so funny & as in only God…I was praying about Guatemala this morning and guess who linked up right behind you at Jennifer’s? And you have sign-ups…I’m still talking to hubby…but I hope to know in the next week…if I go, you have to promise to hold my quivering hand all the way :)
God has been leading you all the way to this point. I think He’s going to lead you all the way to Guatemala. Girl, I’ll hold your hand for sure. But I’m telling you – when you get there you will want those hands for serving and loving others. Such beautiful people. Just like in Graffiti — we all seem so different on the outside and because of our circumstances, but on the inside we are all the same.
I agree with you…when I get there my hands will be for serving and loving…it is the getting there…I’m realizing all the details are little to Him if He wants me to go.
Dolly, I am shaking and I am signing up! I have yearned for a trip such as this. I haven’t had time to soak it in prayer, but I know that if God has another plan, He will close the door. But otherwise, I believe He will grant this desire in my heart! I will hold your hand, if you will hold mine! :)
Oh, dear Barbie, I would be honored and delighted to hold your hand. I will pray for both of us :) Good for you for signing up :)
Do you know how badly I want to go? Oh man……I just may sign up!
Right along with Dolly being there, I think you are supposed to be there too. These children need a voice. You have a beautiful voice that travels far across the blogosphere. Let’s go love on these kids and help get some of them sponsored.
I think it’s the raising of the money that scares me the most. I would have to leave my husband and kids, but if I don’t count the weekend, it’s only for 3 days. Oh friend, I am shaking in my boots!
When the Holy Spirit gets a hold of me I shake . . . just saying! There are some great sites out there for fund raising.
Ha! I signed up! Well, I filled out the application. It’s confusing. It’s asking for a church name and group leader?
And any fundraising sites you can direct me too would be appreciated.
Me, too, on the fundraising sites :)
Alene I have been wanting to go on a mission trip since my kids started going as teenagers(well over 20 yrs ago). Now I may have a chance ! (woohoo) I have to get my money together and the airfare, my son-in-law might let me use some of his frequent flyer miles (but thats only on Delta) So there are alot of (stuff) in my way, but it would be a dream come true… I’ll start Praying for the way to make the money to make it possible, if God wants me to go I will make the money, will you’all Pray for me, hire me to do jobs for you, babysitting, errands, cooking meals, driving someone somewhere, cleaning your house, or your office, or your storeroom, mabey baking for you or a friend, I may be able to do alot for you… Thank you in Gods Love, Gail Ramus
Gail, I am praying God will pave the way for you!! I’ll be mindful and keep my ears open for ways for you to make money. There are fundraising web sites, as well as letters that you could send to love ones who might want to support you in this Mission. Many prayers, love you!
Soooo excited to go back, Alene — thanks so much for all your hard work in putting this trip together. It’s going to be GREAT!
I’m heading to Guatemala in August. I wish I could go with you guys in October.
Oh, friend…I have tears in my eyes. I want to go so badly. I’m praying. And whether or not I get to go this time, I’ll keep praying.
Come on girl! I’d love to serve beside you. Thanks for the prayers.
Hmmm….are there still openings? My heart is leaping, but I need to check this out with my husband first… I went to El Salvador the past two summers and fell in love with the precious people in Central America. I’m not able to return to El Salvador this year so I have been keeping my heart open for alternatives, and here I find this…Praying now.
There are openings. I’d love you to meet the Guatemalan’s. Oh how I love their smiles and work ethic despite their devastating poverty. I think that leaping heart is saying, “you need to go!”
Hey girl, did you check? We could sure use some more bloggers on the trip!!
I signing up!
Awesome, Terry! Just remember to sign up as an individual on that link. That will put you as an individual in the Guatemala mission group. Let me know when you get signed up — looking forward to serving together.
Terry – can you send me your email so I can send you some information? Can’t wait!
Hi there, are the still openings available?
Yes, a few. Would love to have you join us!!
Hi, I tried to register for Guatemala, when I clicked the link it went to AIM. Is this correct, sorry I am being dense right now, just want to make sure that my info is not going somewhere. Thanks, Anita Taylor (Susan Rinehart Stilwell friend) just so you know who I am. :)
Yes, that is correct. Also, just click apply and then register as an individual. So thankful you are joining us!!!
I just finished registering. I promise I would let you know. Thanks :)