It’s been years since Graffiti: scribbles from different sides of the street launched. Watching each of you step over your own fears to serve a broken world has been priceless.
Some of you have questioned, doubted, and even asked . . .
“How do I do this?”
Following the scribbles that God writes on your heart is not always easy. For many of you, you’ve mentioned you don’t know where to start. And that leaves my soul breathless — I remember the frustrations of not knowing where to start, what to do, or even perplexed by not knowing where the broken might be.
And so I ask you to join me for Graffiti Summer.
Knowing you’ll accept the invitation, I’m excited to kick off this summer with you and our Graffiti Summer challenge. The Graffiti: Study and Do has just released. You can download Graffiti Study and Do action guide FREE here.
The Study and Do parallels the book Graffiti. In the Study and Do we look at the life of Moses and how he was challenged to step into the unknown to free people in slavery.
We’ll look at the graffiti scribbled on his heart, why he doubted he could make a difference, how he knew who the people were he was supposed to serve, and how he overcame his fears.
The goal of Graffiti Summer is . . .
to bring awareness to a broken world and give easy steps for each of us to make a difference.
Graffiti Summer will begin June 3rd. Buy Graffiti through Amazon. Then download your free Graffiti Study and Do guide.
Each week we will look at a different section of the Study and Do – there are 6 counting the intro week – I will post and have a link up where we can all link together and share our experiences and bravery. We will share our struggles and what step we took to be a world changer. Our stories will empower others to make a difference too.
There are no hard and fast rules to Graffiti Summer. I would ask that you try to post, comment or blog at least once a week. Once again the reason for Graffiti Summer is to challenge others to step over their fear and serve others. Please use your own stories and share different ways to serve. Go beyond what I suggest or list in the Study and Do. Let’s become a community that supports and learns from each other.
Are you ready? I bet you can’t wait.
I’m sorry, that was a little bit of sarcasm. I totally get that stepping over fear is not the natural thing to do. I understand how awkward it is to venture into a messy world and serve people. But I can guarantee you this — there are incredible blessings on the other side of fear for you and I.
I just know this will be powerful summer where we can raise awareness to the fact that everyone can be a world changer.
Several other bloggers have committed to Graffiti Summer and we hope you will too. Together can we really change a world? Can we overcome our fear? Will we become more aware of the needs around us? Will we lay our doubts aside and serve another? My answer would be a loud YES!
Beginning June 3rd, these 10 bloggers will share their Graffiti journey and challenge you to be a world changer too!
James Prescott – Become an Encourager
Susan Stilwell – I hope 4 Him
Amy L. Sullivan – finding God-sized ways to give in the everyday
Emily Gallimore – The Inner Harbor
Lisa Van Engen – About Proximity
Carolina Lindholm – I Hope You Dance
Kristin Bridgman – Ponderings by Kris
Jenny Bolt Price – I Woke Up Yesterday
Tammy Helfrich – Embrace Your Story
Beth Stiff – Simply Beth
and many others will join via Facebook notes and posts.
Plus, YOU! You. You.
Graffiti Summer would not be the same without you.
Ask yourself if you are ready to step over your fear? If so, here’s 4 things you need to do:
1. Get your copy of Graffiti – scribbles from different sides of the street.
2. Download your FREE copy of Graffiti Study and Do here.
3. Ask to join the Graffiti Facebook page.
4. Grab the Graffiti Summer button/logo for your blog.
Will you be brave and join us?
I hope so. I know I’m a better person when I have accountability at my side. Still wondering if this is for you? Check out the book’s website here.
If you’re ready to join in, link up your blog below and share your thoughts about Graffiti Summer. Don’t have a blog, leave a comment and let us hear from you.
Begin the Introduction here.
This sounds so good and I am tempted but I am still working on my online writing class and other previous commitments, but I will try to stop by and read …could you DM me your phone # so I can ask you some questions about Guatemala…Thanks.
Thanks girl! You’ll just have to hop in and out as you can. I know this is your heart as you are stepping out bravely and heading to Guatemala with me. YAY!
I’m excited for all that God will reveal through “Graffiti” Summer Challenge. Thanks Alene for serving the Lord as you do.
So glad you are joining us girl! I’ll give a shout soon — paperback edition of Graffiti should be out this week. Excited here.
Hiya dear friend with the same name. I don’t have a blog… at least not yet… and I’m not sure how this works, but I’m ready to give it a try. I’ve bought the ebook, downloaded the guide, and liked the facebook page. Hope I am doing this correctly. Take care and God bless you! 8-)
Hey same-name friend! I’m so glad you are joining us. I posted on the Facebook group how you can be part of the conversation through facebook links. Link it up girl and let’s go!