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I’m so excited about the launch of my new manifesto! After years of this message stirring in my heart, weeks of writing and editing, I can now share with you: Giving Up Normal: Suburban Girl Meets the Streets.
About Suburban Girl Meets the Streets the eBook
This manifesto will inspire you to step away from your own-little-world so that you can bless those less fortunate. This all-important message has been brewing in my heart for years and I wanted to share what I’ve learned. You and I can make a difference!
Based on my Stop for the One Tuesday blog posts, the question that I’m asked constantly is, what can I do to help others that are less fortunate? This short eBook will not only challenge you to give up your “normal-routined-pace” and reach out to others; it will give specific small ideas of what you can do.
This manifesto can be read in a few minutes (seriously!), but will leave a lasting impression on your heart. Don’t miss this heart-enlightening message.
How Do You Get a Copy
You can receive a FREE copy of Giving Up Normal by joining my newsletter list. This will also subscribe you to Positively Alene updates. Once you confirm your email address, you’ll receive a private link to the PDF that you can download (give it a minute) then save it to your computer.
Please share
Feel free to email me your thoughts or share them in the comments below. If you have any other easy suggestions for what you and I can do to bless the less fortunate, please share them. I encourage you to share this message with others. Here are some ways you can share:
Tweet about it using #givingupnormal. ~~Tweet This!
Email this blog post to a friend.
Share Your Experiences
I hope this message inspires you to step out of your comfortable routine to bless others. As you do, won’t you share your experiences? Stories are what resonate with others’s hearts, please share!
I can’t wait to read about your experiences and the people you helped.
Ready for your FREE eBook? <—–click here
Congrats!! Excited for you…hope you are doing well.
Girl – so good to hear from you! Hope you April is going well. I’ll check in soon.
Congratulations my friend! So happy for you!
I can’t wait to read and share my thoughts, but coming from you…I know it will be a good read with a heart :)
Will share my thoughts about it when I get home from work. Blessings!
Very excited about this, friend! Just linked here from my blog. Off to spread the word. Thank you for encouraging others to stand up and act.
Thanks for sharing, Amy! I know your heart and that means A LOT. You bless me.
Oh, Alene. It was so good! So very, very good!
Thanks for stirring my heart…
“If your heart is leading, you are called. If you are called, others are waiting on you!”
Thank you for this.
I’m spreading the word like no one’s business :)
All for Him,
I saw the tweet. Thanks girl! Your encouraging words bless my heart. I was so nervous putting my heart and soul out there, but it stirred your heart so . . . I am blessed!
Crazy-excited for you, Alene!! Will be linking to you when I can get time to post … along with some Twitter and Facebook love. Praying blessings upon you in your ministry and during this amazing new release!
Love, Amy
Thanks for the promotings! You bless me with encouragement.
So excited for this new “baby” you’ve just birthed in God’s grace. Praying for it to be full of impact and blessing!
Oh, Sweetie…this brought me to tears! You are so right, but I see so much more in the streets. Much of the time I fear that I am just one paycheck away from living in the streets myself. Then I remember God has a plan for me and whatever that may be, I put one foot in front of the other and let him guide me. I see the poor, the hungry, the needy – all God’s children needing food, clothing, a kind word, a prayer, someone to tell them that they matter. Thank you for sharing.
Pat – oh my goodness. Every time I’m out there I say “there by the grace of God, go I!” So true that we could just as easily be there. I see people looking for worth and true love out there. So much so that is makes my heart so sad. Thanks for all you do. You bless many!
Eeek! I am so excited for you. I saw posts of this floating around here and there, and my goodness, it has been quite a feat to be able to visit “anyone’s” blog these past couple of weeks. I am trying so hard to choose the “great” things, over the “great” things :) Too many great things!
Well, I just cannot wait to read the words contained in your new e-book. I am so happy for you! And I am inspired by you! You are following your passions and your dreams and all for His glory. I love it!
Blessings to you, friend. I am so glad to know you.
Hi ALene,
Was trying to join your newsletter, but i can’t because i live in Australia and there isn’t an option outside of the states.
Will this change in the future?
I grew up in Corpus Christi and am friends with Barbara Johnson Polinard. It is because of her that i learned of your facebook page.
Hello, I’m excited to read your new ebook, but I cannot sign up for it because it says I already receive your newsletter, so how do I get the ebook? God Bless you and all you do Alene….I love reading your newsletters.